Russia: Olympic torch blast into space

tmp__70960545_70960544-892722773As part of efforts to showcase next years games in Russia, A torch for the Olympics has been blasted off into space.

This move by Russia is designed to portray it as a strong,modern country says BBC’s Daniel Sanford in Baikonur.

The rocket blasted off at 04:14:25 GMT from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

“Our goal here is to make it look spectacular.” Mr Oleg Kotov, a cosmonaut who is already on the orbiting station.

Although the torch will not be lit, the whole display is part of elaborate preparations for Russia’s first Olympics since the Soviet era.

Source:BBC news



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About Odili Chukwudi

Odili Chukwudi .E. Historian, blogger, and analyst. Born in the City of Warri Delta State, Nigeria and studied History & International Relations at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife Osun State. I am an optimist

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